A new genotyping tool for molecular breeding applications: GBS with AgriSeq target enrichment and Ion Torrent NGS
Genotyping by sequencing (GBS) uses massively parallel next-generation sequencing for association studies at unrivaled marker and sample densities. The Applied Biosystems™ AgriSeq™ technology approach highlighted here provides sequence information for the target markers free of prediction. We have increased the speed and sample throughput of the library preparation workflow by adapting it to a 384-well format that is automation-friendly and helps reduce reagent consumption. We are also developing additional barcode adapters to enable increased sample multiplexing.
These new approaches have the potential to increase sample throughput and reduce reagent-associated costs per sample.

About the presenter
Christopher Adams, PhD
Sr. Product Manager
Thermo Fisher Scientific
Christopher has a PhD in molecular biology from Louisiana State University Medical Center in Shreveport, Louisiana. His industry experience includes 8 years as an R&D manager and 6 years as a senior product manager for Life Technologies, and now for Thermo Fisher Scientific, developing products and workflows for targeted resequencing with NGS and their application in crop science and animal health markets.
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