Chromatography and mass spectrometry tools for agricultural chemical analysis and research
We’ll discuss a wide variety of gas chromatography (GC)‒ and liquid chromatography (LC)‒based mass spectrometry tools that enable the reliable detection, quantification, and identification of low concentrations of LC- and GC-amenable chemical residues and contaminants, even in complex matrices. The webinar will also showcase GC and LC workflow solutions that support regulatory compliance for pesticides.
The content is relevant for a wide audience, including those with interest in routine high-throughput analysis, nonpolar and/or polar ionic analytes, targeted and/or nontargeted approaches for known and unexpected analytes, method development, compound discovery, metabolite profiling, metabolomics, and more. This webinar covers advanced tools that help solve food and environmental analytical challenges—from sample preparation to MS determination, data processing, and reporting results.

About the presenter
Richard Fussell
Vertical Marketing Manager
Thermo Fisher Scientific
Richard’s focus is on food safety, GC-MS, and LC-MS applications. Prior to joining Thermo Fisher Scientific, Richard gained extensive analytical experience working for the UK government, including 21 years at the Food and Environment Research Agency, York, UK, as an advanced research fellow and senior scientist. He was responsible for the management and delivery of research and collaboration projects, and concentrated on the evaluation and implementation of emerging mass spectrometry techniques for the detection, identification, and quantification of residues (pesticides and veterinary drugs) and contaminants in food and the environment. He has served on various national and international working groups and committees, has published approximately 50 articles in the peer-reviewed literature, and delivered more than 50 invited lectures at national and international conferences.

Tim Stratton
Manager, Library Technologies
Thermo Fisher Scientific
In his current role, Tim is involved in hardware and software feature design and testing and the development of the mzCloud fragmentation library ( Prior to that, he worked as a vertical marketing specialist in mass spectrometry for life sciences. Before joining Thermo Fisher Scientific, he worked for 12 years in pharmaceutical research at companies such as Solvay Pharma and Abbott Laboratories on drug metabolism and pharmacokinetics, with a focus on metabolite structure identification. Tim has a degree in chemistry from the University of Minnesota.
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