Analyze microRNAs in limited FFPE samples
Join Dr. Robert Judson of the University of California, San Francisco as he describes his research on nevus- and melanoma-associated microRNAs from micro-dissected FFPE-fixed tissue, and Dr. Sara Brown of Thermo Fisher Scientific as she introduces the new formats available for Applied Biosystems™ TaqMan® Advanced miRNA Assays.
Topics include:
- Comparison of small RNA sequencing and RT-qPCR profiles from nevus and melanoma FFPE samples
- Demonstration of greater specificity with TaqMan Advanced miRNA Assays over other RT-qPCR approaches
- Introduction to new TaqMan Advanced miRNA Assay formats

About the presenter
Dr. Robert L. Judson
Dr. Robert L. Judson is a faculty fellow in the department of dermatology at the University of California, San Francisco. His research centers on the genetic and environmental factors that drive melanoma initiation from benign nevus precursors, with a focus on discoveries that could lead to early detection or prevention in the future. One current project in his lab investigates the role of microRNAs in stabilizing the nevus cell state against transformation.
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