Access the ultimate qPCR training resource and guide—anywhere, on any device

Whether you’re new to real-time PCR or just looking to brush up on your qPCR techniques, don’t miss your chance to access this valuable self-paced training to learn how to optimize real-time PCR.

This go-to educational resource includes guidance on running a qPCR experiment, how-to videos, diagrams, frequently asked questions, and best practices. New content will continue to be added, so bookmark the site and check back often.

You will also be given access to the Real-time PCR Handbook, a PDF version of the training, to download.

Explore topics such as:

  • Real-time PCR theory
  • Basic principles
  • Assay design
  • Data analysis
  • Troubleshooting tips
  • Gene expressions specificity
  • And more…

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For Research Use Only. Not for use in Diagnostic Procedures.