Hear from thought leaders as they discuss their experiences in delivering NGS genomic profiles in just 1 day
Browse on-demand videos and presentations from our two symposia at ECP 2021.
Complete the form below to hear the latest news from thought leaders at ECP 2021 as they discussed how to easily implement next generation sequencing (NGS) for emerging biomarker detection with the same speed and simplicity of an IHC workflow.
Current and emerging oncology biomarkers testing strategies
In this seminar thought leaders will share their experience in delivering NGS genomic profiles in 1 day with the speed and simplicity of immunohistochemistry and how they have maximised their oncology biomarkers testing strategies to analyse current and emerging biomarkers.

Comprehensive genomic profiling in precision oncology
In this symposium, you will hear about the experience of different laboratories and the strategy they are employing for different biomarker types and clinical research projects.

Watch or download the symposium presentations.
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.