With the advancements of rapid DNA technology, you can now harness the power of DNA in your booking process to generate immediate connections with past offenses and prevent future crimes, while a suspect is still in custody. Learn how Louisiana is leading the way with rapid DNA technology from Dr. Joanie Brocato, Major Todd Morris, and Philip Simmers.
Join these experts as they discuss:
- How rapid DNA works in the booking process and its impact on investigations
- Learnings from Louisiana’s rapid DNA Live Scan Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS) integration testing
- Recommendations for law enforcement agencies and DNA laboratories interested in implementing a rapid DNA arrestee program

Joey Reynolds
FBINAA President

Joanie Brocato, PhD
Rapid DNA User Group Facilitator and Implementation Advisor
LSU Health Sciences Center New Orleans

Major Todd Morris
Commander of Special Operations and Crimes Against Persons
East Baton Rouge Sheriff’s Office

Philip Simmers
CODIS Unit Manager, State CODIS Administrator
Louisiana State Police Crime Laboratory
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