Webinar: Use of automated next-generation sequencing for rapid profiling of myeloid malignancies
Next-generation sequencing (NGS) plays a key role in the diagnosis, management, and prognosis of myeloid neoplasms. Despite the overwhelming need for NGS, many hospitals are reliant on outsourcing to specialized reference laboratories to perform this service, leading to long turnaround times for results. Recent advances in automation of NGS, however, have allowed hospitals to bring this valuable technology in-house, facilitating faster results and better coordination of care.
In this webinar, Dr. Insuasti provides clinical background on the diagnostic workup of myeloid neoplasms, as well as a detailed experience of his healthcare institution’s implementation of an in-house NGS assay on an automated sequencing platform. Ultimately Dr. Insuasti’s lab was able to improve the turnaround time for myeloid genomic profiling from three weeks to three days.

Giovanni Insuasti, MD
Wake Forest University School of Medicine
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