Application Demo: Louisiana State Police Crime Laboratory Rapid DNA Booking Program at East Baton Rouge Sheriff’s Office
Although criminal DNA databases have delivered decades of successes and benefits, it is estimated that more than 1 million lawfully owed DNA samples from arrestees are missing from the national DNA database. The integration of Rapid DNA during the booking process ensures individuals who are arrested for a qualifying offense will have their DNA processed, uploaded, and searched against the U.S. National DNA Index System (NDIS) CODIS database within 90 minutes.
In this video, you will hear from Louisiana State Police Crime Laboratory and East Baton Rouge Sheriff’s Office about:
- How the Rapid DNA Booking Program was established in Louisiana and the partnership between Louisiana State Police Crime Lab and East Baton Rouge Sheriff's Office
- The integration of the RapidHIT ID DNA booking system into the AFIS livescan fingerprinting procedure to automate arrestee DNA registration
- The impact of Rapid DNA and how its speed to results helps save valuable investigative resources and solve and prevent crimes

Philip Simmers
CODIS Unit Manager, State CODIS Administrator
Louisiana State Police Crime Laboratory (LSPCL)

Sheriff Sid J. Gautreaux, III
East Baton Rouge Parish

Major Todd Morris
Commander of Special Operations and Crimes Against Persons
East Baton Rouge Parish Sheriff's Office

Joanie Brocato
Department Head of the Clinical Laboratory Services at Louisiana State University Health Science Center (LSUHSC); former DNA manager at the LSPCL
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