In this webinar series, we take a deep dive into process development and manufacturing to enable successful scale‑ups of mRNA production for therapeutic applications. These sessions address the most common questions and challenges from the discovery to clinical phase and commercial manufacturing. These recordings cover a variety of topics, such as:

Featured speakers:

Pirkko Muhonen, PhD

Pirkko Muhonen, PhD
Senior Field Applications Scientist, Nucleic Acid Therapeutics, Thermo Fisher Scientific

Session 1: The “what” and the “why” of mRNA production

  • Learn key considerations when moving from the discovery phase to the clinical phase and commercial manufacturing
  • Examine why raw materials are crucial for mRNA production
  • Address the most common questions and key challenges, and learn solutions to overcome them in mRNA production

Marie Bosnes, PhD

Marie Bosnes, PhD
Senior Staff Scientist, Product Applications, Sample Preparation, Thermo Fisher Scientific

Session 2: Simple and flexible workflows designed for modular and automatable manufacturing strategies

  • Evaluate bead‑based magnetic separation processes for mRNA synthesis and purification
  • Discover how the manufacturing footprint can be reduced by reusing the template in modular in vitro transcription reactions
  • Navigate through scale up and scale down strategies to ensure a smooth mRNA process development

Steve Jackson, PhD

Steve Jackson, PhD
Associate Director, Product Applications, Genetic Sciences, Thermo Fisher Scientific

Session 3: Genetic analyses for sequence confirmation and identity testing during mRNA manufacturing

  • Determine why sequence confirmation is important throughout the manufacturing continuum
  • Address key considerations in selecting a sequence analysis method
  • Discover mRNA identity testing workflows for vaccine QC

(*Indicates a mandatory field)