Community-based rapid NGS offers considerable advantages in clinical cancer care

In this free, on‑demand webinar, Dr. Brandon Sheffield of Canada‑based William Osler Health System shares the organization's experience with implementing next‑generation sequencing (NGS) in routine oncology biomarker testing.

In their pilot study, 578 solid tumor samples underwent genomic profiling. All testing was performed by one group of technologists within the same division of the laboratory, achieving a median turn‑around time (TAT) of three business days.

In this webinar, Dr. Sheffield covers:

  • The importance of timely availability of biomarker results for optimal cancer care
  • The feasibility of such TATs in a community‑based hospital, using fast and automated NGS


Dr. Brandon Sheffield, MD

Dr. Brandon Sheffield, MD
Medical Director, Advanced Diagnostics
Physician Lead of Research
Department of Laboratory Medicine
William Osler Health System

Watch the clip below for a webinar preview

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