b'Table 1. CytoScan Suite specificationsCytoScan HD CytoScan XONResearch applicationsThe benchmark in cytogenetics research with highestSensitive single exon-level copy number analysis with genome-wide resolution of CNVs for applications in prenataloutstanding coverage within exons across the whole genome. and postnatal research Use as a stand-alone research tool or to confirm CNV findings with alternative technologies like next generation sequencingSample types Blood, buccal swabs, saliva, uncultured or cultured cells,Blood. Other sources of DNA can be used upon building a chorionic villi, amniocytes, and POC customized reference fileSize of aberration*Losses: 25 kb 95% sensitivity for the detection of exon-level CNVs(analytical claims) Gains: 50 kb Designed to cover the whole genome, with increased LOH/AOH: 3 Mb coverage in 7,000 clinically relevant genesMosaicism: 15% (approximately)Input DNA 10250 ng** 100 ngProbe structure 2.67 million markers for whole genome coverage 6.85 million empirically selected probes for whole-genome 1.95 million nonpolymorphic markers coverage including: ~743,000 SNP probes for LOH/AOH analysis, duo-trio6.5 million copy number probes assessment, and sample tracking 300,000 SNP probes for LOH analysis, duo-trio assessment, and sample trackingProtocol 34 days4 daysClick on each icon to downloaddatasheets*Size of aberrationThe size of the segment call depends on the average marker spacing in the region. Best performance can be achieved in regions with higher marker coverage. Mosaicism detection may depend on the size of the altered segment and the type of aberration involved. **250 ng is optimal but users have reported success using as little as 10 ng starting DNA7'