b'SeparateTransferDetect Load up to 26 samplesPrecast midi gels Invitrogen precast midi gels are made with high-purity, strictly quality-controlled reagents to provide top-quality, consistent protein separation. Midi gels have a wider format (8 cm x 13 cm), designed for your higher-throughput electrophoresis needs.Precast midi gel options1.The Invitrogen NuPAGE SDS-PAGE Midi Gel System is a revolutionary neutral-pH, discontinuous SDS-PAGE system. The neutral environment (pH 7.0) during electrophoresis results inBoth midi gel systems are available in maximum stability of both proteins and gel matrix, providing bettera variety of acrylamide concentrations band resolution than other gel systems. This system has two geland well formats.formulations: NuPAGE Bis-Tris and NuPAGE Tris-acetate midigels.2.The Invitrogen Novex Tris-Glycine Plus Midi Gel System is based on the Laemmli system, with minor modifi cations for maximum performance in the precast format with extended shelf life and fast run times. Welcome packs to help you get startedInvitrogen midi gels are available in welcome packs, bundled with gels,buff ers, and ladders, as well as a SureLock Tandem Midi Gel Tank at no extra cost. Find out more at thermofi sher.com/proteingels19'