b'SeparateTransferDetectHigh-quality, fi ltered blocking buff ersParticles and contaminants in blocking and wash buff ers can settle on membranes and create fl uorescent artifacts, so its important to use high-quality, fi ltered buff ers in fl uorescent western blotting. In addition, limit the use of detergents during blocking steps, as common detergents can autofl uoresce, possibly increasing nonspecifi c background.Blocker FL buer 5% milk (TBS) Other specialty blockerEGFRStat3Ras10Excess blocking can lead toInsu\x01cient blocking can result loss of signal by maskingin high background and reduced antibodyantigen interactionssignal-to-noise ratios Blocker FL Fluorescent Blocking Buff erThermo Scientifi c Blocker FL Fluorescent Blocking Buff er is designed to block excess nonspecifi c binding sites to help reduce background fl uorescence in western blotting applications. Blocker FL buff er helps enhance fl uorescent protein detection by increasing the signal-to-noise ratio in blotting applications where background fl uorescence may otherwise interfere with signal detection. Find out more at thermofi sher.com/blockingbuff ers29'